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Switzerland |


How has immigration to Switzerland developed historically? How is migration managed and discussed in society? Download the country profile (2012) by Noemi Carrel.

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How has immigration to Switzerland developed historically? How is migration managed and discussed in society? Download the country profile (2012) by Noemi Carrel.


Western Asia

Throughout its history, Western Asia has experienced extensive migration. The region is an important destination for labor migrants, but also includes some of the world's main refugee hosting…


Western Europe

Western Europe is an important destination for international migrants. With Germany, the region contains one of the countries with the highest number of international migrants in the world.


Migration: eine bleibende Herausforderung

Die nach langem Ringen erreichte Einigung auf eine Reform des europäischen Asylsystems hat die Debatten um die Migration nicht verdrängt – auch nicht aus den Kommentarspalten der europäischen Presse.


Ukrainian migrants in Poland

Poland is one of the main destination countries of Ukrainian refugees. But even before Russia’s full-fledged war against Ukraine, Ukrainians were by far the largest immigrant group in Poland.